Week Two


  • Omelette
  • Sweet potato patties w/ bacon and egg
  • Quasi huevos rancheros
  • Muffins



  • Reuben rollups w/ broccoli salad
  • Tuna waldorf salad
  • Mackerel, orange and green bean salad



  • BBQ chicken wings w/ sweet tayto wedges
  • Sausages roasted on tomato and veg sauce with sweet potato dauphinoise
  • Crispy belly pork w/ sauerkraut and garlicky green beans
  • West African Chicken Stew w/ kale and coconut cauli-rice
  • Merguez meatballs w/ aubergine parmigiana
  • Czech meatballs w/ kale and mashed cauliflower
  • Egg fried rice w/ pork and broccoli


As mentioned before, I like to roll my sleeves up and get a good cook-up going on the weekend. In part this is due to the amount of prep required while following a paleo or primal diet, but also because I like to know that I have enough food supplies for the week . It’s less hassle to pick up a few extra bits during a Sunday stroll than remembering to do it on my way home from work, and I’m less likely to pick up extra treats and ‘bargains’ if I don’t have a car with me!

For this week’s dinners I wanted a few big, veggie side dishes ready to heat and serve. It’s cold and wet outside so the temptation for stodge is strong 🙂  For this week I’ve gone with an aubergine parmigiana (without cheese – just for versatility) and  a sweet potato and red onion dauphinoise. I also needed to restock the freezer with different flavour meatballs and koftas, which I use for at least 2 dinners a week now.

Got started early (for me) by reworking the leftover sweet potato mash into a breakfast. Had about a heaped cup of mash, added 2 chopped spring onions and a couple of tablespoons of ground almonds to give it some form. After cooking some bacon I dolloped 4 ‘cakes’ of mix into the pan and made myself leave them alone for 5 minutes to get a good crust. Result was more like bubble and speak as they don’t hold together very well. Managed to turn them and make reasonable looking cakes to go with the bacon and a couple of poached eggs.

While the cakes were cooking, I got chopping. Two big aubergine cut into thin slices; brushed with a little oil, S+P and dispatched into med-hot oven to cook completely. Onion, celery and garlic for the marinara sauce base. Left on back of the hob to simmer. Sliced red onions thinly for dauphinoise. was going to get the food processor out for the sweet potato slivers, but was short on space and wasn’t feeling strong enough to lift it out of the larder anyway. Besides, slicing 3 spuds by hand isn’t that much. Sliced 4 big cloves of garlic and added to double cream and milk in a small sauce pan. Brought to the boil then turned it off and left it to infuse. Made myself a coffee, changed out of my PJ’s and ate my breakie. Put half dozen eggs on the hard boil.

Layered up the cooked aubergine slices and marinara sauce, then bunged the dish in the oven for 20mins. The sweet potato looked like a lot more than I’d planned so had to dig out my biggest lasagne dish. Greased it then layered the potato slices and red onion slices with S+P and dried thyme until all used, finishing with potato to prevent nasty burned bit. Poured over the infused cream mix – forgot to remove garlic slices so they ended up on top. Covered dish in foil (to stop the garlic burning) and baked in oven for 1 hr. After 1 hr (only meant to do 45mins but got distracted washing up) took the foil off and gave in another 30mins to brown; checking every 10mins to make sure the garlic wasn’t burning.

While stuff was in the oven, I got mixing 2 batches of meatballs; Czech pork with caraway and wholegrain mustard, and a chorizo (of sorts). Take 2 big bowls. Put the relevant seasoning in each bowl. Make a coffee. Check on oven. Eventually stop flitting and take pork mince out of the fridge. Weigh meat before adding. Mix each bowl (washing hands in between to prevent cross-seasoning. Put both bowls in fridge out of the way until you have cleared enough space in kitchen to have 2 baking trays covered in greaseproof paper in front of you. I weigh my meatballs to ensure they’ll cook evenly and I get a consistent quantity from the batch. Take trays of perfectly formed balls and put in freezer to open freeze. After about an hour they should be quite firm so can be transferred to a ziplock baggie for easier storage. I put mine together in 1 big bag as you can easily tell the difference in colour.

Both veggie dishes done and cooled. Marked into portions (4 from the aubergine and 12 squares of dauphinoise), stored half in the fridge, other half in freezer wrapped in greaseproof and foil.

That little lot should cover me for all of tis week, and give me ready meals for next week too.

UPDATE: Spotted this article – sums up just how much you can get done even if you only have 10 minutes! http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2013/03/11/10-meals/

Week One


  • Meat and spinach muffins
  • Omelettes


  • Tuna deli salad w/ eggs and sweet potato salad
  • Sausages with coleslaw
  • Leftover bora bora fireballs w/ eggs and sweet potato salad
  • Meat and spinach muffins w/ coleslaw
  • Tomato soup w/ meat muffins and tuna salad


  • Bora bora fireballs with cauliflower rice
  • Zoodle pad thai w/ prawns and broccoli
  • Chicken and bacon in creamy mustard sauce w/ broccoli
  • Belly pork with braised red cabbage and sweet potato mash
  • Beef and Kale garbage stirfry


Batch prep

  • Meatballs
  • Debone and freeze chicken thighs
  • Rice cauliflower
  • Hard boil eggs
  • Sweet potato salad (inspired by Summer Innanen)
  • Coleslaw (½ cabbage)
  • Tuna deli salad
  • Meat and spinach muffins x 16

New Year, new start

Ok, so I’ve left my New Year start a little late but it is only 3rd!

Xmas always puts me out of sorts. What day is it? In short, I’ve stuffed up my usual organised shopping and eating routine over the holidays. Yummy festive leftovers have been the base for most meals. Not entirely my fault; shops are silly busy and stock levels unpredictable.  Weather has been hazardous too so, for my own safety, I couldn’t venture out to the market.

Back to school on Monday, so no more loafing and grazing. Time to pull up the metaphorical socks. I considered doing a Whole30 reset for January but the restrictions make me want to cry; no nuts and seeds, no cheese, no wine, no coffee?!

My plan is to get my 4 weeks of real-food menus drafted, and get as much prep done as possible at the weekends so we won’t be caught out Mid-week when we’re too tired to think about food. Week 3 will be a tough one as I’m home alone and have tendency to not be bothered to eat properly. Dinner party anyone?


You say empty fridge, I say…….

  • Kale and pancetta with poached eggs (supper tonight)
  • Courgette, lardon and parmesan frittata (for breakie tomorrow)
  • Mackerel and pomegranate salads (2 packed lunches)
  • Courgette zoodles (dinner tomorrow with meatballs and tomato sauce)
  • Hard boiled eggs (grab and go breakie Wednesday)

Have managed to defer shopping for another 3 days!

Now, what to do with 3 beetroot, a parsnip and a lot of lemon?

All by myself…….. sniiiiiff

Well, the chilli didn’t so much kill the cold, but has certainly drawn it out. Probably for the best.

Woke up feeling like cr*p, and had a fully booked calendar. Fortunately I could do most of it from home, except one pesky task which I had to drive back to the office this afternoon to sort. Hate being ill – makes my brain fuggy and I don’t like not being sharp. Even large quantities of coffee didn’t clear the mist 🙁

Hey ho, will just have to take more drugs tonight and get tucked in nice and early. 6am alarm call tomorrow, and 150miles of motorway driving – I think I might cry.

Feeling like a proper grown up

After waving off hubby on Sunday morning, I’ve nearly completed a whole working day of being all on my lonesome.

Set an alarm on my mobile (as I don’t know how to operate the alarm in the bedroom…) and even made my own cup of tea before leaving for work. Managed a bit of breakie too. Had prepped packed lunch night before, as usual, so covered for that. Still managed to forget my expense receipts, but can’t get it all right on day one.

Evenings are much easier as I just have to potter around, making dinner and watching tv – simples. Not doing any foodography this week. Too time consuming and still working in the evenings on the day job. <sigh>

Knocked up a curry with a lot of extra chilli to try and kill off the cold I’m developing. Was meant to last 2 nights’ dinners but greed and a need for nurture took over. Must be my impending old age that’s making me weak and ill – ehem ehem sniiiiff hack hack………

Hiatus over!

After an extended break, I’m back! Yes, I’m aware that no one actually noticed or gives a rat’s arse.

Anywho. I have a whole week on my own to get creative and cook up a storm. In reality I’m likely to be working late every night but it’ll be an experiment in how the busy, singletons live 🙂

As a mini-project, I’ve been looking at how I can use my interests and vast knowledge (aka, too much time spent reading food porn and watching Food Network) to help other people learn how to prepare food and not be scared by the kitchen. In an ideal world I’ll be discovered as the next Nigel Slater and spend my days in beautiful, fake film set kitchens but tbh. it’s something I’d love to do just because I’m passionate about it. Speaking to a young colleague I was genuinely shocked to hear “I don’t cook much”. Erm, so how do you eat?? She doesn’t have a long commute that gets her home late at night, and she doesn’t have the kind of income that supports a diet of takeaway or M&S ready meals. She’s not the only one. We now have at least 3 generations of adults in the UK who can’t cook; the youngest now heading off to uni. Do we blame the microwave, or the years of excessive credit and perceived wealth, or is it just that M&S ready meals are actually that bloody good!

This is a basic, life skill that everyone should have. Not to suggest that everyone will be a cordon bleu chef, but the ability to turn leftovers into something edible and appealing is critical in this time of money worries. Plus, given some ‘concerns’ around food origin in the UK lately, we need to be more aware of what we’re putting into our bodies and (cost wise) when paying more or going organic actually makes a difference. Found a handy list of ‘clean’ foods which shows which fruit and veg are affected most by pesticides etc. and which ones are hardly impacted at all, so paying a premium for them really isn’t making your eats any safer. In short, pick your fights 🙂


There must be other life skills that are waning. Sewing? Ironing? Does anyone polish their shoes anymore?! These things don’t keep me awake at night, but they do make me ponder…..

Need sleep!

Not been posting as having a bit of a rough time at work, and not sleeping well. Sleepwalking is back 🙁

Rather than sit interwebbing in the evening I’ll be trying to switch off, figuratively and literally, to see if it helps. Also setting a sensible bedtime routine of an early dinner, nice hot bath, then off to bed at 9 to read a book. Will have to see how it goes, otherwise will need to install locks on the bedroom door!