Getting my mojo back……

I’ve been offline for a few months. A lot of late nights, driving around, hospital visits and emotional times. Comfort eating, drinking and grabbing convenience food. My sleep patterns and diet have got in a bit of a mess and my health is starting to suffer too. It’s a vicious cycle of eating anything you can get your hands on when you actually feel hungry, then feeling worse because of eating junk. Despite my love of good food and knowing how I react to bad food choices, I also know that in times of crisis it’s more important to eat something than be precious about the options and go hungry. Cue sleepless nights, tiredness and irritability…. pass the Merlot…..

To get my arse in gear, and get interested in food again, I’m trying out a whole week of new recipes plucked from food magazines. Reason for this is they’re all new so I have to follow the instructions and ingredients list instead of just winging it and not preparing fully, and eating snacks.

This meant shopping for a ton of fresh ingredients; in part because they’re new dishes with fresh herbs and fruit but also because I’d run down my larder and freezer supplies to next-to-nothing and was only shopping meal to meal, with a lot of snacks and wine included 🙁

My plan is to trial these new menu items, which should be interesting, and also to come up with my own plan for the next week(s) which will make use of all the expensive leftovers:)

If I can get Flickr to play ball then there will be piccies too!