Day 19

Monday’s officially suck. Felt like I took a bit of a kicking at work (why are some people so mean?!) – spent most of my day resisting the vending machine 🙁

Had an egg muffin with my fruit salad breakfast; think they have a much nicer texture after a day or two. The coconut flour can be a bit dry on the palate, so keeping them for a few days seems to make them a bit more moist. Will make more tonight. Nice tub of soup for lunch to keep the cold at bay, supplemented with a teriyaki beef mooli wrap as I was ‘literally’ starving – think I might be preparing for hibernation due to lack of sunshine.


Scheduled to make a beef short-rib stew for this week, as Summer has forgotten to come back, but not a cut of meat easily found at Sainsbury’s. Had intended to head out to the farm shop today, but when I phoned they said they don’t do them. They certainly used to! Just had to use shin of beef instead – first world problems, I know!

Had a tasty beef keema with fried, shredded sweet potato for dinner; pretty tasty. Tried to pig out on snacks to make my crappy day better, but too used to avoiding certain aisles so only managed plantain chips and guacamole. Did get a tub of fresh custard so might scoff that tomorrow night.